The purpose of the Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment Forum (LAREF) is the exchange of experiences about ways to improve the conditions under which animals in laboratories are housed and handled. This electronic discussion forum is intended to serve the international animal care community in its attempt to promote animal welfare and improve scientific methodology by avoiding or eliminating husbandry-related stress situations. The forum is open to animal care personnel, animal technicians, students, attending veterinarians and researchers who have or had first-hand experience in the care of animals kept in laboratories.
IMPORTANT: If you want to join the group, please send a message to Joanna ([email protected]) indicating your:
- name,
- professional affiliation,
- professional experience with animals in research (your role, the species you work with, and the number of years of experience),
- professional interests as they pertain to this discussion group.
Any requests to join this group will not be approved unless you have emailed Joanna with the required information.
GROUND RULE: This forum is intended for discussions related to LAREF's mission, not as a bulletin board. If you wish to share information about a relevant survey, conference, workshop, or job opening, you must first email Joanna ([email protected]) to seek permission. Permission will be granted on a case-by-case basis.
Published LAREF Discussions
AWI Quarterly Articles
AWI Books
Journal or Newsletter Articles
Enforced restraint of rodents | Animal Technology and Welfare 6, 11-13, 2007 |
Stress and distress | Animal Technology and Welfare 5, 99-102, 2006 |
Human-animal relationship in the research lab | Animal Technology and Welfare 5, 95-98, 2006 |
Is a swimming pool safe for macaques? | Laboratory Primate Newsletter 45(3), 13, 2006 |
Pair formation and reintroduction of temporarily separated partners | Laboratory Primate Newsletter 45(1), 11-12, 2006 |
Do mice benefit from prefabricated dwellings? | Animal Technology and Welfare 5, 13-15, 2006 |
Postsurgical pairing | Animal Technology and Welfare 5, 17-19, 2006 |
Pole-and-collar training of macaques | Animal Technology and Welfare 4, 157-161, 2005 |
Collecting blood from rodents | Animal Technology and Welfare 4, 99-102, 2005 |
Catching animals who have escaped from their primary enclosure | Animal Technology and Welfare 4(1), 41-44, 2005 |
Stereotypical behavior | Laboratory Primate Newsletter 43(4), 3-4, 2004 |
Self-injurious biting in laboratory animals | Laboratory Primate Newsletter 43(2), 11-13, 2004 |
Enrichment for owl monkeys | Laboratory Primate Newsletter 43(2), 10, 2004 |
Working with pound dogs in the research laboratory | Animal Technology and Welfare 3, 165-167, 2004 |
Environmental enrichment for guinea pigs | Animal Technology and Welfare 3, 161-163, 2004 |
Water leakage in rodent cages | Animal Technology and Welfare 3, 111-114, 2004 |
Personnel/animal relationships: Affectionate or neutral? | Laboratory Primate Newsletter 42(1), 14-15, 2003 |