A big thank you to all our members and constituents who have been sending messages to Congress, the administration, and state officials throughout the pandemic! As difficult as the last year has been, you have taken time to speak up for animals—and you have been heard! From a new law in Ohio requiring cross reporting by social service professionals, veterinarians, and animal control, to the large number of wins for animals included in the current federal spending law (see AWI Quarterly, spring 2021), you have made the difference in the success of our efforts on behalf of animals. This year we held our first virtual meeting of dedicated activists to bring everyone up to date on the outlook for the new Congress and administration.
Not part of this dynamic group yet? It’s easy! You can sign up for our action alerts at awionline.org/compassion-index. Through these alerts you will learn when help is needed on federal or state legislation or administrative actions.
You can also contact your legislators and urge them to cosponsor the animal welfare bills mentioned in these pages by calling the Capitol Switchboard (202-225-3121) and asking to be connected to your legislator, or by writing letters to them at the following addresses:
The Honorable [full name]
US House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable [full name]
US Senate
Washington, DC 20510