
Photo by Wynand Basson

The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) engages in precedent-setting litigation on behalf of animals in state and federal courts across the country, and most recently has been involved in nationally recognized cases to promote the welfare of horses, elephants, bats and marine mammals. Starting with the staff at our Washington, DC headquarters and working alongside high-caliber outside counsel—including skilled and dedicated pro bono attorneys—AWI has achieved tremendous victories for animals in the court room. Find out more about our current cases or past cases.

In addition to litigating to protect animals, AWI works to promote the enforcement and strengthening of both state and federal animal protection laws, including but not limited to the Animal Welfare Act, Endangered Species Act, Humane Slaughter Act, Horse Protection Act, Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, and Shark Conservation Act, as well as state anti-cruelty laws.