Animal Cruelty Reporting FAQs

tabby kitten close up - photo by Zeke Tucker

Animal cruelty involves inflicting harm, injuring, or killing an animal. The cruelty can be intentional, such as beating, burning, or sexually abusing an animal; or it can involve neglect, such as failing to provide adequate food, water, shelter, or medical treatment. Another form of abuse is organized animal fighting, in which animals are trained or goaded to attack each other in violent confrontations at the risk of grave injury or death.

Yes. Animal cruelty is against the law in every state, and certain acts of animal abuse are also considered felonies. It is important to report a suspected crime, whether it is animal abuse, child abuse, or some other illegal act. The job of law enforcement is to investigate suspicious activities. Do not worry if you cannot “prove your case.” The information in your report, even if it is not “complete,” will help law enforcement investigate your suspicions, determine the facts, and decide if further action is warranted.

Because animal cruelty is a crime, we recommend that you first report any suspected abuse to local law enforcement. If you suspect an act of cruelty is presently occurring or will soon occur, and feel that emergency action is warranted to prevent serious injury or death to an animal, call 911. To report animal cruelty that has already occurred, call your local police department.

In addition to law enforcement agencies, it is recommended that you call the local animal services agency or humane society. Many communities also have dedicated animal cruelty hotlines. Sometimes these agencies are associated with the police or sheriff’s department.

You may remain anonymous. However, a case is more likely to be pursued if the person reporting is willing to give their name, assist in the investigation, and, if needed, give testimony. If you do give your name to law enforcement, it can be kept confidential.

Provide as much detail as possible: type of abuse or neglect, location, date and time, description of perpetrator(s), number of incidents, type and description of animal(s) involved, and any injuries observed. Take detailed notes, and if you can do so without risking personal injury, take a photo or video of the animal—either during or following the incident. Provide the names and contact information of other witnesses, if there are any.

Keep a record of what information you gave the police, as well as the date you gave it, and the officer to whom you spoke. Ask authorities when you can expect a response and follow up after a reasonable amount of time.

If you do not achieve a satisfactory response, call again. Determine who the supervisor is and call that person. Keep records of every call, noting date, time, and contact person. If there still is no action, call your local prosecutor’s office and report your concerns. If authorities repeatedly fail to respond, you might want to contact the office of the mayor or chief of police to register a complaint. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, you could also report it to the local FBI office. If all else fails, consider reaching out to a local investigative reporter or media outlet, or sharing the information via social media if doing so would not put you in danger.

Use your judgment and stay safe. If you are an adult and feel safe and capable of handling the situation, then approaching a person who may be harming an animal, or about to harm an animal, could constitute the fastest and most effective intervention. However, when in doubt, prioritize safety and don’t confront the perpetrator. Call 911 and make sure to note as many identifying details as possible.

This is a challenging issue to navigate, as it is often difficult to determine the origin and authenticity of the materials. Before taking any other steps, save the concerning images or information and record all of the account details. While it may seem counterintuitive, it is important NOT to report the offending material to the social media platform (e.g., Facebook). If a post is found to be contrary to the site’s guidelines, the post will be removed. Sometimes, the poster’s account will be deactivated as well. In either situation, this prevents law enforcement from having access to and investigating the post in question. The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) and Jill Hollander, senior assistant district attorney for the Atlanta Judicial Circuit, expand on this further and provide guidance in What to Do if You Witness Animal Cruelty Online.