AWI Unveils New Safe Havens Website

Since 2011, AWI has managed the Safe Havens Mapping Project—a searchable database of sheltering services that can assist individuals experiencing domestic violence in placing their companion animals out of harm’s way. AWI works to spread awareness about the link between animal cruelty and family violence, while providing resources for survivors, attorneys, and other advocates. In October, during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, AWI launched a new standalone website for the Safe Havens Mapping Project that includes improved search features so users can safely access the information they need in a matter of seconds. 

The need for safe havens for pets is clear—one survey found that 71 percent of victims of domestic violence who have pets reported that their abusers had threatened, injured, or killed their pets. Now, users can access regularly updated information by searching for sheltering services near their zip code or in their state. This database is included on the National Domestic Violence Hotline’s website and was accessed tens of thousands of times in 2019. Visit the new site at

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