Kroeker, R., Bellanca, R. U., Lee, G. H. et al. 2013. Alopecia in three macaque species housed in a laboratory environment. American Journal of Primatology 75(S1), 38. (36th Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists Scientific Program, Abstract #30)

Alopecia is a persistent problem in laboratory macaques, and is important to address due to the perceived implication for health and psychological well-being. Alopecia ratings were taken at 4 time points over a 12-month period on all rhesus (N = 321), pigtail (N = 478), and cynomolgus (N = 75) macaques at the Washington National Primate Research Center, housed singly or small indoor caged groups of up to 4 animals. Results were analyzed using chi square and linear regression. There were species differences in alopecia presentation. Pigtails (63-74%) had higher rates than rhesus (43-55%) while cynomolgus had the lowest rates (7-28%; all chi squares > 32, p < .001). Linear regression for pigtails and rhesus revealed that both species had least alopecia in fall (Sept-Oct) and the most in spring (Mar-Apr; beta = .359, p < .001). Adults (4-10 year-olds) had more alopecia than all other age groups (betas < -.296, p < .001). Rhesus females had significantly increased alopecia compared to males, but there was no sex difference for pigtails. Animals of both species who were identified hair pullers had increased alopecia (beta = 0.431 , p < 0.001). These data indicate that species, time and age can impact presentation of alopecia in laboratory housed macaques and that sex differences may be an important predictor of alopecia in rhesus macaques.
