Buck, C., Pittman, P., Coburn, A. et al. 2011. Primate foraging ice blocks: Cool treats and interactive eats. Tech Talk [The Newsletter for Laboratory Animal Science Technicians] 16(3), 2.

The [ice] blocks provide a stimulating foraging experience for the NHPs. The blocks last up to an hour fully melting; however, most NHPs have them broken apart and are eating them within 15 minutes. Some primates pick up the ice blocks and work on getting the fruit and vegetables out, others share the task with their cagemates, thereby promoting social enrichment for the cohort. One of our NHPs has even figured out that he is able to make the block melt faster, thus freeing the food items by holding it underwater; such problem solving is another form of occupational enrichment. To date, no negative health effects or behavioral abnormalities have been associated with this form of enrichment. No data included.
