Jansson, D.S. 2018 Gaining insights into the health of non-caged layer hens. Veterinary Record 182(12), 347-349.

To prevent injuries and mortality in commercial non-caged laying hens a range of strategies should be used, including vaccination, effective biosecurity routines, optimal management and nutrition. Injurious pecking, footpad lesions, keel bone fractures, reproductive and septicaemic bacterial infections, poultry red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) infestation and nematode infections are some of the main health issues reported from commercial non-caged laying hen flocks. Postmortem examinations combined with bacterial cultures and screening for parasites are the cornerstones of diagnostic workup in laying hen flocks. It is essential to monitor the poultry red mite population and use safe and effective control measures between flocks and if necessary during the production period. Benzimidazole anthelmintics can be administered in drinking water to control roundworm infection in laying hens, but the effect is short-lived.

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