Eichner, M., Purcell, J. E., Fortman, J. D. 2018. Effects of intracage ammonia on markers of pulmonary endothelial integrity in mice housed in static microisolation cages. JAALAS 57(1), 18-23.

Time-weighted exposure limits to ammonia are established for humans; however similar guidelines have not been defined for laboratory rodents. The Guide recommends maintaining air pollutants at concentrations below levels irritating to mucous membranes but does not provide specific values. Numerous studies have examined ammonia and its effects on animal health, yet none have assessed the effects of naturally occurring intracage ammonia on the lower pulmonary tree and pulmonary endothelial and epithelial integrity in mice. We performed several assays commonly used in mouse acute lung-injury studies (bronchoalveolar lavage fluid [BAL] cell counts and protein concentration, excess lung water content [ELW], Evans blue permeability assay [EBA], lung tissue myeloperoxidase assay [MPO], and lung histopathology) to evaluate the effects of exposure to cyclical, naturally occurring ammonia levels on pulmonary integrity and inflammation. C57BL/6 mice were maintained in static microisolation or open-top cages. Cages were changed weekly, and ammonia levels were measured for 6 wk on days 0, 1, 3, 5, and 7 of each cage-change cycle. Ammonia levels in static microisolation cages began to increase on day 3 and peaked at a mean of 141.3 ppm on day 7. Ammonia levels in open-top cages never exceeded 5 ppm. Neither BAL cell counts, protein concentration, ELW, EBA, nor MPO differed significantly between groups. Lung histopathology showed minimal, incidental changes in all mice. Our findings indicate that the ammonia concentrations in the static microisolation cages we used did not alter the integrity of the lower pulmonary tract nor influence key indicators used to assess acute lung injury.

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