Dench, J., McLaren-Jones, R., Vancollie, V. et al. 2019. Optimising health & welfare tracking using the Sanger Mouse Database. Animal Technology and Welfare 18(1), 62-64.

Health tracking of animals is required legally under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA) to prevent pain, avoidable suffering, distress or lasting harm. This is important with Genetically Modified (GM) animals as they are more likely to have unexpected phenotypes or health issues. The Sanger Mouse Database (MCMS) enables the user to add and track a wealth of information for every mouse in the facility. For example, mating details, genetic backgrounds and procedures can be accessed through reports that allow retrieval of specific data to analyse. The dedicated health observation module is used for tracking welfare both at the mouse and colony level to assess the prevalence of an observation. This poster details what steps can be taken if a mouse is unable to complete our primary pipeline, how database reports can be used to gain an overview of health and welfare issues in GM colonies, and how we can increase the scientific value of that information. By using the mouse database we can easily assess the health of a colony, identify a potential welfare issue and act quickly by putting measures in place to prevent more animals from being affected.

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