Jonas, K. 2017. The importance of vitamin D supplementation in South American camelids. RATEL (Journal of the Association of British and Irish Wild Animal Keepers) 44(2), 17-18.

Fala, a four month old cria, presented with signs of lethargy and unwillingness to stand, at times she was laid in lateral recumbancy with her head outstretched. South American camelids are inclined to develop rickets due to vitamin D3 deficiency in the UK; in combination with decreased sunlight they have a dense fleece which would ordinarily be protection against the intense radiation of their natural habitat. Shearing has been shown to increase vitamin D levels in a short amount of time, illustrating the importance of supplementation during winters in the Northern Hemisphere. Camelibra was already fed to all alpacas at a rate of 1gm/kg bodyweight. To reach the recommended supplementation over winter this would have to be doubled. A combined vitamin oral paste, which delivers 5000 IU/ml, was sourced from a UK supplier. In combination with the increased amount of camelibra to both cria and dam, 3.4ml and 12.5ml vitamin ADEB&amp;K paste was administered to the cria and dam respectively. Fala seemed to pick up quickly. Her symptoms seemed to be mainly subclinical, which demonstrates the importance of owners being aware of the animal’s normal behaviour, and close monitoring of young during the winter in order to notice any changes as soon as possible.</p>

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