Zeltner, A., Cristofferson, C. 2022. Taking blood from a Göttingen minipig while placed in a sling. Animal Technology and Welfare 21(1), 58-61.

Traditionally Göttingen minipigs are restrained in dorsal recumbency to have access to the blood vessels in the neck. Minipigs, like any other animal do not particularly like to be restrained and being turned on their backs with their belly exposed. With increasing age and weight this method also creates some physical challenges to the technicians. The force needed to control a resisting minipig can be considerate. Lifting and turning a larger minipig on its back could also infringe some occupational health regulations. The sling has been proven to be a valuable restraint for various procedures with the mini pig. This study showed that with slight modifi cation the sling can be used to restrain minipigs for blood sampling and thus reduce the strain on and on animals and personnel.

Animal Type