Statement from AWI RE: Australian Wildfires

Photo by Mathias Appel
Photo by Mathias Appel

We at AWI, like so many people around the world, are deeply concerned about the impacts of the wildfires raging in Australia. The loss of life, both animal and human, is devastating. With the estimate—considered conservative—of over 1 billion animals killed thus far, millions of acres of key wildlife habitat burned, untold numbers of injured animals, and the fire season in its early stages, we know the path to recovery will be long. In the immediate term, we are sending financial support to several animal rescue and rehabilitation organizations on the ground in Australia, including veterinary organizations and groups that provide resources directly to small rescues and individual animal caregivers. We are focusing on smaller organizations who many not be receiving the benefit of high-profile international fundraising efforts and attempting to send aid to groups in several impacted areas. These are the groups that have benefited from our financial support to date. (This is not an exhaustive list of groups doing good work in Australia. AWI is not affiliated with any of these organizations.)

At this critical time, donations to help support the work of legitimate organizations helping animals in Australia are welcome. If you wish, you can make a donation to AWI and designate that it is for “Australia” and we will send 100% of these contributions toward the work of Australian rescue organizations.