Environmental Enrichment and Refinement for Nonhuman Primates Kept in Research Laboratories
Photo documentation of ways in which macaques are housed and handled in research laboratories, and of successes in developing and...
LAREF Volume 1: Making Lives Easier for Animals in Research Labs - Discussions by the Laboratory Animal Refinement and Enrichment Forum (LAREF)
Abridged conversations from LAREF containing practical tips and commentary on animals in experimental laboratories; edited by Vera Baumans, Casey Coke...
LAREF Volume 5: It's Okay to Cry - Discussions by the Laboratory Animal Refinement and Enrichment Forum (LAREF)
Compendium of Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment Forum (LAREF) discussions, in which laboratory animal care personnel share information regarding innovative...
LAREF Volume 4: Committed to Animal Welfare - Discussions by the Laboratory Animal Refinement and Enrichment Forum (LAREF)
Compendium of Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment Forum (LAREF) discussions, in which laboratory animal care personnel share information regarding innovative...
LAREF Volume 3: Compassion Makes a Difference - Discussions by the Laboratory Animal Refinement and Enrichment Forum (LAREF)
Questions, answers and comments posted to the forum by dozens of LAREF members over the course of two and a...
LAREF Volume 2: Caring Hands - Discussions by the Laboratory Animal Refinement and Enrichment Forum (LAREF)
Nearly 2,000 comments by animal care personnel on a variety of topics aimed at improving the living and handling conditions...
The Magic of Touch
Book reviewing the scientific and professional literature to present evidence on the calming, stress-buffering and life-enhancing effect of touch among...
Variables, Refinement and Environmental Enrichment for Rodents and Rabbits kept in Research Institutions
Summary and discussion of techniques to improve living situations for rodents and rabbits in research facilities; by Viktor and Annie...
Taking Better Care of Monkeys and Apes
Tips on how to enrich the lives of nonhuman primates in research; by Viktor Reinhardt, 2008, 137 pages. One copy...
Safe Pair Housing of Macaques
Guide for laboratory animal care personnel on ways to facilitate compatibility when housing rhesus macaques; by Jodi Carlson, 2008, 48...
Roots of Human Behavior
Vibrant photo documentation of the parallels between animal and human expressions, emotions, and psychology; by Viktor Reinhardt, 2009, 141 pages...
Comfortable Quarters for Laboratory Animals
Guide for laboratory animal care personnel on the humane housing and handling of individual animal species in research facilities; edited...