AWI Quarterly Articles | Book and Film Reviews

Please see the below book and film reviews from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


The Dolphin Who Saved Me

In The Dolphin Who Saved Me: How an Extraordinary Friendship Helped Me Overcome Trauma and Find Hope, author Melody Horrill holds nothing back with her blunt and unrelenting descriptions of the violence and trauma she...

The Accidental Ecosystem

When we encounter a raccoon, deer, bat, fox, or some other wild animal in our neighborhood, we’re often pleasantly surprised—but not as amazed, perhaps, as our recent urban forebears might have been. It wasn’t that...

The Age of Deer

Erika Howsare worked in local journalism for 20 years and has written two books of poetry. She was raised in rural America in a family of avid hunters before heading off to Oberlin College and...

Of Time and Turtles

Sy Montgomery brings her passion for animals and talent for storytelling to focus on turtles in her 34th book, Of Time and Turtles: Mending the World, Shell by Shattered Shell. Turtles, she points out, are...


“To us, roads signify connection and escape; to other life-forms, they spell death and division.” Ben Goldfarb’s Crossings: How Road Ecology Is Shaping the Future of Our Planet is an engaging study of “road ecology,”...


Keggie Carew’s background is not in science (her career started in contemporary art), and it shows. Her book, Beastly: The 40,000-Year Story of Animals and Us, is not the first book to consider the combined...

Around the Ocean in 80 Fish & Other Sea Life

Around the Ocean in 80 Fish & Other Sea Life is a beautifully illustrated journey that introduces readers to various inhabitants of the five oceans. Each turn of the page reveals a new animal—with short...

Many Things Under a Rock

“Devilfish,” “old skin covering,” “many things under a rock”—octopus names are as varied and creative as the creatures themselves. As Many Things Under a Rock: The Mysteries of Octopuses reveals, these inquisitive, intelligent animals are...

Flight Paths

When Rebecca Heisman worked for the American Ornithological Society, her job involved reading “cutting-edge migration research” and publicizing it in a digestible way for the public. She sought to provide readers with the answer to...

Treated Like Animals

Alick Simmons, former deputy chief veterinary officer for the United Kingdom, acknowledges that he has “actively facilitated exploitative interactions with animals.” But so have the rest of us, he writes in his intriguing book, Treated...