LAREF Has Moved!

AWI’s Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment Forum (LAREF) is an electronic discussion forum facilitating the factual exchange of experiences about ways to refine the conditions under which animals are housed and handled in research institutions. The forum is intended to serve the international animal care community in its effort to promote animal welfare and improve scientific methodology. The forum is open to animal care personnel, animal technicians, students, attending veterinarians, and researchers who have or had first-hand experience in the care of animals kept in research and education facilities.

The forum has just moved to a new platform and is now found at If you would like to join this online forum, please send a message to [email protected] indicating briefly your practical experience with animals kept in research laboratories, your current professional affiliation, and your interests as they pertain to the discussion group. Existing members are automatically migrated to the new platform and need not apply again.

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