Shaping Policy for Animals in Laboratories
AWI presses for greater protection of animals in laboratories in part through stronger enforcement of the federal Animal Welfare Act and extension of the law’s coverage to all animals subject to experimentation. We also work to promote advancements in species-appropriate enrichment for animals in research, retirement opportunities for former laboratory animals, and increased compliance with the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. We provide public comments, formal testimony, and presentations in support of our mission; examples can be found here.
Shaping Policy for Farm Animals
Through engagement with key policymakers at the state, federal, and international levels, AWI seeks an end to cruel methods of housing, handling, transporting, and slaughtering farm animals. We regularly provide public comments, testimony, petitions for rulemaking, and similar input in furtherance of this mission. Examples of our work in this area can be found here.
Shaping Policy for Marine Animals
AWI seeks to prevent inhumane and ecologically harmful commercial exploitation of marine species and destruction and degradation of their habitats. In furtherance of these efforts, we engage directly with policymakers at the state, federal, and international levels and regularly provides public comments, testimony, and similar input to legislative and administrative bodies. Examples of such input can be found here.
Shaping Policy for Wildlife
AWI seeks to reduce the detrimental impacts of human activities on wild animals and to develop and implement humane solutions to managing conflicts with wildlife. To accomplish this, we engage directly with policymakers at the local, state, federal, and international levels and provides public comments, testimony, and other input to policymakers on proposed laws and regulations. Examples of this input can be found here.