Anonymous. 2011. Separating cage-mates temporarily ? A LAREF discussion. Laboratory Primate Newsletter 51, 10.

The question was asked: “Research protocols sometimes require that compatible macaque pairs be physically separated for a limited time period (e.g., controlled food-intake studies; sample collection from chair-restrained subjects). Obviously – and as documented in the literature – partner separation is a stressful event that not only has animal welfare implications but can also skew subsequently collected research data. If pair-housed macaques in your care have to be separated, (a) what do you do to minimize the stress for the animals; or, if you don’t have the authority, (b) what would you do to minimize the stress for the animals?” We use either a single-wire divider panel or a solid Plexiglass panel, depending on the situation. In either case, separation is for the shortest time possible. I've worked with several pairs who have remained separated for projects for more than two months with a solid lexan panel in place and successfully returned to pair housing following completion of the project. From a behavioral management perspective, it made the reintroductions easier as the animals maintained visual (and thus social) contact for the duration of the required separation. The same can be said for separation using perforated panels. These types of separation should be less disruptive than total separation from a partner, thus should minimize stress. In the past we have had to separate monkeys for feces/urine collection, as well as food consumption, and we have kept the partners on visual access via mesh. They do well and are able to be re-paired. This would be for one week generally - we did have a pair of girls and one would not eat well while separated from her partner - makes you sad for sure. It also tells you there is some stress related to the separation. They have visual, tactile (but the screens are small), and olfactory contact, but they can't be next to one another and groom, or eat next to each other. I think that can be really hard for them.
