Baker, K. C. 2010. Retrospective assessment of pair formation in laboratory rhesus macaques: Refining partner selection. American Journal of Primatology 72(S1), 26-27. (33rd Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists Scientific Program, Abstract #4)

Isosexual pairings of caged adult rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) at the Tulane National Primate Research Center are documented in detail. Data deriving from 186 introductions were used to explore variables that may be considered when selecting singly housed individuals to introduce. First, potential partners may be housed in cages facing one another and have long-term visual access prior to introduction. While this condition is sometimes considered advantageous, there was a trend toward a smaller proportion of female introductions [69%] being successful after visual access than those without it [85%; X2=3.64, P
