Chiszar, D., Wellborn, S., Wand, M. A. et al. 1980. Investigatory behavior in snakes, II: Cage cleaning and the induction of defecation in snakes. Animal Learning and Behavior 8, 505-510.

In Experiment 1, boid and colubrid snakes defecated with shorter latencies after their home cages were cleaned than did control snakes that received equivalent handling without cage cleaning. Experiment 2 replicated this finding and also showed that snakes exposed to clean cages emit more tongue flicks after reintroduction to the clean home cage than do control snakes. Experiment 3 demonstrated that cage cleaning has similar effects in two species of crotalid snakes. The increase in tongue flicking after cage cleaning is interpreted as investigatory behavior and reflects the fact that snakes respond to the absence of familiar odors. Experiment 4 showed that a clean cage containing odors derived from snake feces produces less tone-flick exploration and fewer defecation responses in rattlesnakes than does a clean cage without such odors.
