T-W-Fiennes, R. N. 1972. Primates - General. In: The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals Fourth Edition. UFAW [Universities Federation for Animal Welfare] (ed), 374-375. Churchill Livingstone, London, UK.

The higher primates, such as chimpanzees and baboons, are intelligent and sensitive. If handled with sympathy and understanding they can become more than research tools - even co-operative partners in experimentation. To achieve this, a little time, often time well spent, must be spent on conditioning the animals. A chimpanzee, for instance, will sit quietly and hold his arm out for a blood sample to be taken. ... An animal treated unsympathetically is liable to become aggressive and uncooperative; furthermore, unless care is taken over its comfort and needs, it is liable to become stressed and the results of the experiment may be vitiated for this reason.
